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Goupil elektriske køretøjer er perfekt egnet til turistindustrien. De bruges typisk til transport af udstyr eller mennesker og tilbyder et miljøvenligt og stille alternativ, der er ideelt til turiststeder.
Fordelene ved elektriske køretøjer i turistindustrien
Et stigende antal fritidskomplekser henvender sig til elektriske køretøjer. Dette valg er baseret på flere fordele:
- Miljøvenlig: vores elektriske køretøjer udleder ikke CO2 og bidrager derfor til et renere miljø.
- Komfortabelt design: Goupil-køretøjer er meget støjsvage og reducerer derfor støjforurening betydeligt og giver dine kunder stor komfort. Vedligeholdelseshold kan arbejde tidligt om morgenen eller sent om aftenen uden at forstyrre turisterne.
- Billede: turistfaciliteter, der har valgt elbiler, fremmer et positivt image ved dagligt at vise deres engagement i bæredygtig udvikling.
Hvorfor vælge Goupil til turistsektoren?
Vores Goupil-køretøjer er skræddersyet til at opfylde kravene i turistfaciliteter. For hver applikation har vi en specifik konfiguration, der understøtter dig effektivt i dit arbejde. Vores teams vil være tilgængelige for at hjælpe dig med at vælge det perfekte layout og karrosseri afhængigt af dine forretningsaktiviteter. Vores brede udvalg af udstyr tilbyder enten en alsidig eller meget specifik løsning til enhver arbejdssituation.
Nogle eksempler på de mest populære konfigurationer blandt turistsektoren:
- Affaldssamler med høj tip til vedligeholdelse af dit fritidskompleks,
- Tipvogn til transport af både mennesker og udstyr fra et sted til et andet
- Tøjvask til dit hotelkompleks ...
Environmental issues are at the forefront of society’s concerns as citizens’ awareness of climate change is growing. Our vehicles do not emit any CO2 during use, therefore participating in a cleaner and more sustainable future.
The quiet nature of our Goupil’s means that noise pollution is considerably reduced. As a result, your customers are more comfortable during their stay. Maintenance staff can work at any time of the day or night without disturbing tourists.
Opting for an electric fleet helps reduce management costs compared to a fleet of combustion engine vans: fuel savings, reduced maintenance (fewer moving parts), etc.
Financial incentives on behalf of the government when purchasing an electric vehicle, as well as the advantages offered by insurance companies favour the development of electric technology.
Businesses in the tourism industry are electrifying their fleet and thereby demonstrating their day-to-day commitment towards the environment.
Investing in 100% electric vehicles or rechargeable hybrids is a winning strategy: resorts that choose to decarbonise their fleets see their reputation grow and their image improve.
Goupil, the perfect partner for your tourism facility
Do you own a campsite? Are you managing a holiday resort? Are you responsible for an amusement park?
With a payload of up to 1,200 kg, Goupil trucks will support you in the daily tasks or your business: transporting luggage or people, maintenance or cleaning operations, moving equipment…
Fitted with low pressure tyres, our G2 and G4 models can be used on grass for upkeeping sports fields or other green areas.
They can also drive on sand for moving deck chairs and sunshades on beaches or for surveillance operations.
100% electric, they can move all over the facilities without disturbing the peace and well-being of tourists.
Compact and nimble, they snake in and out of the smallest spaces, even inside buildings, for all service and maintenance operations.
Our offer includes various batteries, with capacities ranging from 5.2 kWh to 28.8 kWh (with lithium technology) and offer a maximum range of nearly 200 km.
The lithium technology enables partial recharging of the battery, increasing the vehicle range when needed.
Our G4 and G6 models can be recharged using a domestic socket or charging stations. With the increase in electric cars and utility vehicles, the number of charging points are fast-growing.
Fitted with a van body, the Goupil G6 offers a volume of up to 9 m3. With a maximum speed of 80 km/h, this configuration is ideal for shuttling equipment or food products.
Specific body options for various applications
Goupil electric vehicles are cut out for the needs of the tourism industry. For every application, we offer a customised solution to efficiently support you in your job.
Our load beds are fitted with removable and detachable gates, with optional cage bodies to increase the loading volume.
Goupil load beds are particularly appreciated for their versatility: within minutes, they can be fitted with a watering system for the maintenance of your green spaces.
With the combined version, a high-pressure washer, leaf blower or a storage box can be fitted at the rear of the cab.
This great modularity makes it a model perfectly suited to the numerous operations required for the proper management of a tourist site: transportation, cleaning, watering, etc.
Our offer includes specific configurations for waste management: skip with side dropdown doors for collecting bins on campsites.
Our G6 refuse collection vehicle with bin lifter is perfect for zoos or amusement parks.
Our teams will be available to assist you in choosing the perfect layout and bodywork depending on your business activities. Our broad range of equipment offers either a versatile or very specific solution for every activity.
Goupil is an expert in tailor-made solutions and offers configurations dedicated to tourism applications such as the converted van body for collecting and sorting clean and dirty laundry.
Our range also includes load beds with column lifts to facilitate the handling of trolleys or roll containers.
Whatever your need, we can offer a suitable solution!
With over 25 years’ experience, Goupil has made a name for itself in France and abroad as an expert in neighbourhood electric utility vehicles. Since 2011, the company has been part of the Polaris Group, leader in recreational all-terrain vehicles.
Our vehicles are available for purchase or lease, with short or long-term rental options. Please contact your local dealer for more information or to request a quotation.